API Documentation
Explore our API endpoints for article translation and generation.
Translation Endpoint
100 credits
Translate articles to your specified target language
POST Start Translation
{ "article_source": "Your article content to translate", "language_output": "Target language", "user_id": "User identifier" }
Success Response (200 OK)
{ "request_id": "uuid-generated-request-id" }
Error Response (400 Bad Request)
{ "error": "Error message" }
GET Check Translation Status
Success Response (200 OK)
{ "status": "completed/pending", "translated_content": "Translated article content", "created_at": "timestamp" }
Error Response (404 Not Found)
{ "error": "Request not found" }
Error Handling
The API may return the following errors:
400 Bad Request: Missing required fields or invalid input
404 Not Found: Translation request not found
Article Generation
Coming Soon 180 credits
Generate an article based on a given topic
Video to Article
Coming Soon 200 credits
Convert video content into an article
Audio to Article
Coming Soon 200 credits
Convert audio content into an article